FIT test >200

I wondered if anyone has had a similar situation. 
I’ve had bleeding most times I’ve opened my bowels for about 6-8 weeks. I went to the GP assuming it was haemorrhoids but they said I don’t have any and the FIT test has come back >200 and have been referred until the fast track cancer pathway. I have a colonoscopy booked for in a week. Has anyone had this and it turned out ok? 
thanks c x

  • Hello Chloeb8,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat.

    It's quite common to be referred for further tests. If you'd like to get more information, so have guidance around urgent cancer referrals and colonoscopy test on our website. I hope this will help you feel more prepared and don't be afraid to raise any questions or concerns with the doctor or nurse. Please try not to worry for now and keep us updated on how the appointment goes next week.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • While I didn't have a FIT test (and the test I had came back as no blood), I did have rectal bleeding and the GP was unable to find any hemorrhoids, but it turned out to be hemorrhoids anyway when I had the colonoscopy. At the colonoscopy, they said it was quite common for hemorrhoids to be missed.

    And of course, there are a load of other things that can cause blood, such as a polyp, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's...

    Hope you get good news.