Cancer diagnosis

Hi my name is Jo. I have just been been diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.  I am really scared . I due to have an op in January . I so scared of hospitals and going under anesthetic.  How did everyone  feel . I am trying to get my head round  the whole  process.  I feel so alone even with support from myfamily . 

  • Hi Jo sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. My wife is stage 3 with surgery planned for the end of January. She speaks with her breast cancer nurse (BCN) regularly and finds this very helpful. She found other places she can speak with outside of the family and will be using those in the next few weeks. Ask your BCN what is available in your area. Best of luck on your journey 

  • Thank you for replying.  I will look at what's in my area. Wish your wife best of luck for me 

  • Thanks Jo, we have a unit that does alternative therapy I’d highly recommend trying reiki, the NHS do it. Good luck

  • Hi thank . Who would I see to do this  x 

  • Hi Jo sorry to hear you been diagnosed with this horrible disease. I too was diagnosed with BC in October. Never had a general anesthetic before so was pretty anxious just about the getting the op. Had my op in October and honestly it went so well, just into theatre and before you know it you are awake in recovery. Unfortunately I had to go back for more surgery 2 weeks ago to get an auxiliary node clearance so once again into theatre and again no issues. This is a pretty scarey journey we are all on but you are not alone and there is so much known about BC and treatments nowadays, there is light at the end of the tunnel. When I was in theatre the first time the theatre nurse took my hand and told me I was going to be OK and that she had been through exact same op as me the previous year and was all better now. So many positive results from people who have BC. Good luck for January and stay in touch and let us know how you are x

  • Thank you so much. I think I am more worried  about the op. Have already got the tablets which i will start after boxing day . How are you now . Hope all is going well xx 

  • Thank you Jo, I'm doing well. I will be starting chemo in the new year and radio therapy after that and be on blockers for 7 years after that. Still to speak with the oncologist I've just been told this from my surgeon and BC nurses. I did get a CT scan after my mastectomy as there was some cancer in some of the lymph nodes removed during first surgery, then I got my second op to remove rest of my lymph nodes which thankfully were OK. I know ive still a bit of a journey to complete to get fully well again but I just think of each op and scan and treatment another step closer to good health again.  I wish you well and a return to good health, I know it's a roller coaster of emotions on the way but you will get there. Take care x

  • We must keep ech other up to date on our journey  . It is a roll coaster for sure . Glads things went well for and continue  to go well. All the best x 

  • Deffo, always here for you any questions you got, if I can answer I will. Best of luck and try enjoy your Christmas as best you can x

  • Hi Jo I’d ask your BC nurse what’s available they should know. Also there are places like McMillan to turn to. I’d recommend googling alternative therapies, I’ve done it regards reiki. Hope this helps