New Warrior: my respiratory infection is actually cancer

Hi everyone thank you for letting me join. Today I got the devastating news that my respiratory infection is actually cancer. Trying hard to stay calm while I wait to see the oncologist for full results and treatment. Any advice on the anxiety and dealing with it would help x

  • The waiting for results was stressful! However, my only symptom was what I called a slight swelling, so I had thought there couldn't be much wrong with me and just wanted them to get a move on and find out why it was there and do something about it!
    How is the weather your way?

  • Were you told when you would have results?

  • Hi went for the needle biopsy on 14th. He hadn’t seen my results went to find them. Came back and said tumour hadn’t grown showing no other growths but had decided to send me for a camera biopsy. I was totally thrown as I was ready to get the biopsy next thing I was dressed and walking out. Have got my appointment for 27th already but now worrying that something else has been found.How are things with you our weather has been a lot warmer thank goodnessso have been out a little more. Still being careful as lots of viruses are still going round our area. Xxx

  • I shall think of you on the 27th. That waiting is so stressful!

    It is cold and grey outside. So far so good with me, thank goodness.

  • Thank you feeling a little stressed but will be glad when it over. Have to go to Edinburgh for it so have booked into hotel near hospital as my appointment is 8.30 . 
    How did you go on with the storm?we were lucky only lost electricity for 12 hrs. What a nightmare  xxxx

  • The 27th has been and gone. Fingers crossed.

    We were very lucky here, just very windy and rather wet.

  • Everything went well just a very long day. Feeling a little tired and sore today but they said I would be like that for 48hrs. Been lovely here today hopefully a few nice days this week 

    Hope you are well xxx

  • How are you now?

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