Awaiting screening

I suffer from terrible health anxiety, however I had been getting better since having my daughter as I was more focused on her.

Anway, I went to the docs this week with a pain in my armpit, when she did the exam, it also hurt when examining my breast too. She referred me to have an ultrasound of my armpit but it was rejected by the hospital who said I should be referred to breast clinic as urgent, so should get an appt in next two weeks.

I'm loosing my mind with sorry. The idea of not seeing my daughter grow up is making me feel ill. It's also heightened my health anxiety to Max. I have suffered with back pain for many years now, never getting a diagnosis other than posture related. However since going to the doctors I've noticed a different type of back pain, and now terrified it's spread to my bones. 

I don't know why I'm posting really. I've been googling and wish I hadn't. I'm 30 years old, but I know it is not unheard of this age. 2 weeks seems like a lifetime. 

  • Hi Eds2023,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am glad to hear that you have made a move to have these symptoms investigated. It sounds as if your GP wasn't too concerned about the need for urgency, when she didn't refer you to the breast clinic immediately. You will find the staff at the breast clinic are usually very aware of your fears and will do their best to put you at your ease. Not all lumps are cancerous. Only 20% of those who attend the breast clinic will get a cancer diagnosis. The other 80% will have benign cysts, fibroadenoma, naturally lumpy breasts, etc. You are right that it is unlikely to be breast cancer at your age, although sadly, not impossible.

    Can I ask what age your daughter is? Many of us experience changes in our breasts following pregnancy. It is also uncommon to get breast pain with cancer. This results in many people not realising that there is anything untoward, until they have a scan of some sort. You have done the worst possible thing by consulting "Dr Google". Much of the information there is out of date, poorly researched and aimed at the more spectacular cases. Fortunately, these won't pertain to you, but what you read will not give you any answers and certainly won't help to set your mind to rest. This is always a worrying wait and our anxiety tends to be fed by our over active imaginations.

    Try to keep busy, while you wait - that shouldn't be too difficult at this time of year. Any activity that helps to take your mind off things will be helpful.

     Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx