Diagnosed ER+ PR+ HER2-

Hi All,

I recently noticed a change it the way my left breast looked, nipple inverting only slightly but noticeable to me. I for a few weeks took photos and kept checking thinking it was due to my hormones and the coil being fitted in March 2024 due to heavy bleeding and clot issues.

18th September my GP examined and couldn’t feel any lumps but I was referred to have mammogram.

2nd October Mammogram completed along with scan which found a lump 1.5cm behind the nipple and swelling in my lymph in armpit. Whilst there 2 biopsy taken for further investigation

Further appointment was confirmed for 5th November for results but I was so anxious and suffer with high bloood pressure I called and appointment brought forward to 22nd October

Feeling nervous and worried but thinking all will be ok I was told I had Breast Cancer grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 and surgery planned for 20th December to remove nipple and aerola with biopsy of the synoid in armpit and removal of lymph 

started Tamoxifen meds and coil removed

Now a waiting game for surgery and the treatment plan after

Feeling Lots of things and just reaching out to people that have experienced the same diagnosis 

  • Hey,

    the pain doesn’t sound nice and I know the feeling. I do feel the exercises and ice packs work wonders as long as you do them through the day. I’ve been doing them every hour and then ice pack on evening xx they hurt but it does ease pain

    22 miles is such a long way bless you it’s a shame they can’t do it any nearer to home xx mg journey is about 40 minutes but depending on what time my radio therapy is the travel time can change for me too

    fingers crossed that this is your final process to hospital chick and then just ring that bell and live your life to the max xx you are so strong and together we fight this *** 

    on the 22nd Jan I will know when radio therapy starts and results so I’m off work until then. If they say radio don’t start until 3/4 weeks later I am going to get back to work (I can work from home) so this will keep my mind busy then have the time off whilst radio therapy happens xx

    going away for a couple of days this week so be nice for different scenery 

    you are amazing and these chats keep us going 

    stay strong and happy 



  • Have a lovely time away xx

  • Hi Sarah,

    I hope that your recovery is going well and that your under arm area is not too painful. I found this area uncomfortable for quite a few months after surgery. I couldn't help but smile at your complaints about your stockings. Try to persevere, as you don't want lymphoedema. I have ended up with this in both arms and legs and have been wearing compression arm sleeves and stockings for the past 15 years. These have been most uncomfortable. I also have thicker compression garments to wear at night. Fortunately, although these look horrendous, they are more comfortable to wear. I have recently moved house and the sleeves that have been provided down here are a lot more comfortable, but don't stay up properly - work in progress, but I think that we ae getting there at last!

    I am glad to hear that you now have a date to get your results and discuss further treatment. Enjoy your few days break in the meantime.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jovie,

    I'm glad to see that you don't have much longer to wait before you start radiotherapy. I'm sorry to hear about your under arm pain and numbness. I found that this took quite a few months to settle. It sounds as if you are doing all of the right things, so just keep on with what you're doing.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jovie

    The weekend away although was cold it got me

    In the fresh air and lots of walking , I was exhausted by afternoon but did me the world of good

    felling ok apart from the sorness in armpit and stiffness but continuing to do exercises daily

    did a bit to much the other day at home and by the evening couldn’t lay left or right and ended up going into shock with shivers. I kept calm took pain relief and lots of pillows and ice pack, Won’t be doing too much to soon again as it was horrendous pain I just cried.

    this week had friends visiting so has been nice and broke the days up for me

    starting to get that nervous and anxious feeling now as appointment is on Wednesday xx

    i Spoke with cancer nurse and she said I will have to have a CT scan as well before the radio therapy xx

    i hope you are ok and well



  • Hi Jovie,

    just checking in on how you are doing and thinking of you

    sarah xxx

  • Hi Sarah,

    I am on day 5 today.  Going good I am a little tierd but nothing major, and a bit of the aches in armpit.  It is actually very quick and you don't feel a thing whilst having it done, which I am pleased about as I was a bit nervous.  

    I just read your previous post.  It sounds like you done a bit to much.  I know what it feels like.  In your head you can do anything, but then it bites you on the behind.

    You will be nervous about Wednesday, and all i can say is keep focused. You got this, stay positive. This is a journey of lots of ups and downs, but we are strong, and very lucky that we have such good technology and doctors, nurses and support. You got this. 

    Take care.

    Jovie oxox

  • Hi Jovie,

    so good to hear you are ok and the treatment isn’t affected you badly xxx it’s always a worry as so many people experience different things xx you got this an you are so strong  

    im keeping positivity for Wednesday what will be will be and I will battle through xx

    Keep resting and strong minded xx keep in touch and take care of you ️



  • Will do xxx

  • Hi Jovie,

    hope you are well xx

    the nerves and emotions have kicked in today as day before results xx

    im so anxious and worried of the next stage and the actually results

    ive read so many things on the same diagnosis I’ve had and same op but still I’m so anxious it’ could of spread.

    if the specialist knew of spread from biopsy surely they would do a quicker appointment than I have given?

    im thinking and praying all is gonna be ok and just radiation is all I will need with any meds required after.

    just want tomorrow to be here today xx



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