Diagnosed ER+ PR+ HER2-

Hi All,

I recently noticed a change it the way my left breast looked, nipple inverting only slightly but noticeable to me. I for a few weeks took photos and kept checking thinking it was due to my hormones and the coil being fitted in March 2024 due to heavy bleeding and clot issues.

18th September my GP examined and couldn’t feel any lumps but I was referred to have mammogram.

2nd October Mammogram completed along with scan which found a lump 1.5cm behind the nipple and swelling in my lymph in armpit. Whilst there 2 biopsy taken for further investigation

Further appointment was confirmed for 5th November for results but I was so anxious and suffer with high bloood pressure I called and appointment brought forward to 22nd October

Feeling nervous and worried but thinking all will be ok I was told I had Breast Cancer grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 and surgery planned for 20th December to remove nipple and aerola with biopsy of the synoid in armpit and removal of lymph 

started Tamoxifen meds and coil removed

Now a waiting game for surgery and the treatment plan after

Feeling Lots of things and just reaching out to people that have experienced the same diagnosis 

  • Offline in reply to Jovie

    Hi Jovie,

    I am delighted to hear that your margins were clear, but sorry to hear that you have a slight infection still. It is good to hear that your care team are going to check on this again next Thursday - here's hoping that it has healed by then.

    They will probably leave your breast to heal for 6-8 weeks, before they start you on radiotherapy.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Offline in reply to Jolamine

    Hi Jolamine,

    I did wonder if they would wait until the infection has healed before starting radiotherapy.  

    To be honest it will be nice to not have to keep going to the hospital for a few weeks, as I really don't want to pick up any bugs that are going around.

    Kind regards,

    Jovie xx

  • Offline in reply to Jovie

    HI Jovie,

    I'm pretty sure that they won't do any radiotherapy until your wound is fully healed, so make the most of this time, without having to travel to any from hospital.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx 

  • Hi 

    surgery went well and I was home by 9pm on the evening. Sore and painful but I was surprised how well I was considering. The day was long as there at 7 and op was 2.40 in afternoon. No drain so that’s good too.

    They have remove a lot of the boob and there is a massive difference between the 2 but as long as they have got everything they needed out all is ok with me 

    back on Monday 23rd Dec for dressing change and see consultant 

    results of biopsy won’t be until into the new year but the surgery of removal they did went well is what I was told

    Next day I started the arm exercises and feel I have good movement and no pain so keep continuing these through the day 

    I met so many inspiring people going through different things and just talking to them it was emotional but the same time comfortable we are all on our own journeys the love in the room was felt

    now for rest and recovery xx will keep you posted when I know the next plan. Hope you are both  ok too and keeping well 



  • Hi saralou,

    I am so glad that all went well and you are now recovering.  Drink plenty and lots of rest.  You got this.  Have a lovely Christmas.  

    Jovie xx

  • Hi Saralou,

    I'm delighted to hear that all went well and that you didn't need a drain. You're doing well if you are managing your exercises already. Keep doing them every day, as it does make a difference,

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx