Diagnosed ER+ PR+ HER2-

Hi All,

I recently noticed a change it the way my left breast looked, nipple inverting only slightly but noticeable to me. I for a few weeks took photos and kept checking thinking it was due to my hormones and the coil being fitted in March 2024 due to heavy bleeding and clot issues.

18th September my GP examined and couldn’t feel any lumps but I was referred to have mammogram.

2nd October Mammogram completed along with scan which found a lump 1.5cm behind the nipple and swelling in my lymph in armpit. Whilst there 2 biopsy taken for further investigation

Further appointment was confirmed for 5th November for results but I was so anxious and suffer with high bloood pressure I called and appointment brought forward to 22nd October

Feeling nervous and worried but thinking all will be ok I was told I had Breast Cancer grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 and surgery planned for 20th December to remove nipple and aerola with biopsy of the synoid in armpit and removal of lymph 

started Tamoxifen meds and coil removed

Now a waiting game for surgery and the treatment plan after

Feeling Lots of things and just reaching out to people that have experienced the same diagnosis 

  • You got this.  Keep positive.

    My friends mother has just has her mastectomy and she had very high blood pressure and she to was really worried.  She is 80yrs. She is absolutely fine.  All her result are back and just need hormone tablets for 5 years.  

    I am hoping to get my second op results this week, so I can prepare for next treatment.  

    Forgot to say , I bought freshwipes online, as showering was difficult for me.  I found these so handy. 


  • Thank you for positive vibes appreciate your lovely words

    gives me strength too if at 80 and can get through I’m positive I will be ok xx

    stocked up in the wipes xxx 

    let me know how your results go and what ever they are keep strong and positive you sound like you got this and all will be good 


  • Hi Saralou,

    As Jovie has already said, pre-op is very straightforward - just all the details they need to know before taking you to surgery. It is unlikely to take as long as 2 hours, unless you have a lot of medical details to discuss.

    After your surgery, the tissue removed will be sent to Pathology for testing. The two main things they are looking for are to ensure that all of the cancer has been removed - this will be done by checking that they have achieved a clear margin. The other thing is to confirm the type of cancer. You will normally get your results about 2 weeks after your surgery. You will unfortunately, need to go through this additional waiting period, before you get the results.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi saralou123, how did today go ? X

  • Hi Saralou,

    I hope that all went well with your pre-med today and that you weren't kept at the hospital for too long.


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    All went well as you said xx my BP was high but that’s to be expected as I suffer with high BP and been on meds for years 

    Went in at 9 and left at 12 so not to long

    was exhausted when got home but I’m glad all is good and now countdown.

    Hope you are ok and well 



  • Hi Sarah,

    I'm glad to hear that all went well with your pre-med - another thing ticked off! Many people develop white coat syndrome when they attend a doctor or hospital, This causes their blood pressure to raise. Three hours was quite a lengthy appointment, so it's no wonder that you felt exhausted.

    Not long now until your surgery will be over and done with - I'm sure that you'll be glad to get it out of the way before Christmas. I shall be thinking of you on 20th.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Thank you for your message xx All ready now and packed my hospital bag today so feeling all ready now to get this C out and enjoy Christmas with the hubby

    You take care of you too and hope you are well 

    Kind Regards

    Sarah xx

  • Glad all went well with pre-op. X  Not long to wait now. Stay positive.  I got results yesterday.  There was no cancer in the margin of second op, so very happy. Next is radiotherapy.  I have some fluid removed Thursday. Going  back Thursday next week to check as a small bit of infection left to clear .  Wishing you all the best.  Take care. Jovie xx

  • Hi Sarah,

    It's good to hear that you are all ready. It's a pity that you date is so close to Christmas, but I'm sure that you'll just be glad to get it over and done with.

    Please let us know how you get on with your surgery, when you feel able.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

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