Chemotherapy is so hard

I'm 49 now have terminal secondary bowel cancer after a 5 year fight,  surgery and radiotherapy aren't on the cards anymore so last resort to keep it from growing any further is Chemotherapy infusion and tablet's,  the mouth ulcers are severe as is the acne and the weight loss is slowly beginning to happen,  but worst of all is the toll it's taken on me mentally. I have an amazing wife who has been a rock of support but yet I still feel lonely most days and I also have the most beautiful 8 year old Son whom I love with every fibre in me.

  • A very warm welcome to the forum Callzy although I'm so sorry to read your post.

    I can't begin to imagine how tough the last 5 years have been for you, but I and the rest of the Cancer Chat community will have our fingers crossed the chemotherapy will be able to stop any further growth and give you more time with your beloved family.

    This must be so difficult for you all and the feeling of loneliness you mention in your post is one that will resonate with a lot of our members, some of which will hopefully be along soon to offer their support and advice. 

    Our cancer nurses are also available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040. They are very friendly and will do all they can to support you and your family as well.

    We're here for you Callzy and really do hope that being a part of our community will help you feel less alone.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator