Cement/Asbestos Pip

Hi everyone

A cement (what I thought anyway) downpipe fell of my wall the other day. I took it off but it snapped in 2 when it hit the ground. I then had my 4 year old child help me carry it about 20 metres into our annexe.

I have later found out it contains asbestos and am really worried I have put the poor guy in a dangerous situation! Does anyone have any experience of this? I did speak to an expert who said it would have been a very small exposure but I am still worried



  • Hello James.D,

    Many people have had a similar experience and often worry when they think they may have been exposed to asbestos. It's worth bearing in mind that practically everyone is exposed to asbestos and that low levels are present in our environment as it can be found in air and soil. So please try not to worry, as most people have been exposed to a very small amount of asbestos fibres in their lives. Asbestos related diseases are rare and it's regular exposure over many years that can to increase the risk of lung disease and cancer.

    You can read more about asbestos exposure on the Asthma and Lung UK website.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia