prostate stage 4

Hi I'm 68 years old. in Feb had blood test PSA was 2883 first meeting at hospital doctor said you have cancer I had no symptoms apart from getting up in the night.Had many scans and biopsy get phone call very sorry you have aggressive stage 4 cancer.How do I handle this, went sick from work when I was told stage 4 needed to be focused on this made sure this didn't destroy me mentally as mad as it sounds I turned it into a positive I looked at life with fresh outlook, I'm 68 still working my wife said 2nd week being sick you look so much better and I've got cancer just showed how stress from my job was getting to me so could easily have had anything happen to me and dropped down dead as it is I enjoy going out to beach, going for walks and spending time with the children and grandchildren everyone has said you are so positive yes I know I will die as they said they can't cure me have just finished tomorrow my first sessions of chemo due full body scan then meeting doctor end Nov. if this happens to you don't let it destroy you live every day and enjoy it as pink Floyd say on dark side moon why be afraid to die there is no reason for it I'm not religious never have been if you need god take him any thing that helps you stay positive will keep you alive longer some people will feel I've got it wrong this works for me just find something that works for you not something that works for your friend or vicar cause you the one that got to believe when the *** hits the fan and you have a bad day we all do sorry if I upset anyone but if my ideas make 1 person become positive rather than depressed I'm happy thanks for reading

  • Welcome to the forum Derry although I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer.

    This must have been very difficult to hear but I'm glad you are staying positive and looking at life with a fresh outlook. Many of our members will definitely agree that having a positive mental attitude and looking after your mental health are really important at this time, and I'm sure all those lovely trips to the beach, long walks and time with your children and grandchildren are really helping with that. 

    I hope your chemo is going well but if you have any questions about your treatment, or diagnosis in general, you can give our nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They are really easy to talk to, so do reach out to them if/when you need to as they will do all that they can to support you.

    We're thinking of your Derry and wishing you all the best on this journey.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator