I will never get breast cancer-how wrong was I!

Hi, I got diagnosed in April 24 after a routine mammogram.

got told I was Estrogen positive, but after my surgery I had a lumpectomy with lymph nodes removed I was told I had Estrogen positive,Triple Negative & Metaplastic carcinoma!

During recovering I found a pea size lump just under my nipple on my already affected breast, and a pin head size lump in my other breast.

Got seen in clinic, doctors first thought was they were both cyst,sent me for an US were it was said the pin size one was a cyst but the other one was a funny shape and biopsies were taken, 2 weeks later I found I’ve got Invasive Ductal Carcinoma stage 3 after another surgery I went for a Mastectomy I got told I had IDC(3) & Metaplastic Carcinoma again.

 i started chemotherapy 2 weeks ago just had my 2nd cycle yesterday, it’s weekly for 9 weeks. 
I now have this nagging fear that my other breast has changed! I think the pin size is bigger I’m driving myself crazy! 
I wanted a full Mastectomy but was told recovery would take too long and my treatment needed to be started as soon as possible ,and that surgery would be after all treatment is  completed next  My heads is doing a million miles an hour, I’m panicking over money, having a clear out ( I like to keep things) my family-i don’t want to worry them anymore than I have done! Funeral cost, the lists seems endless! 
causing me endless sleepless nights… 

thank you for reading my post! 
you are not alone! 

  • Hi there - I know some of what you re going through bless you.You re not alone also! i did nt realise how many other people were/are going through the same or something similar. I was diagnosed last year Stage 2b (multi focal ductal carcinoma) and finished chemotherapy /radio in March. Sorry I’m not much help atm but one thing I learnt and people kept saying to me is take each day at a time - easier said than done I know! But honestly sometimes you have to. Really hope you re doing ok today and I’m sorry you re going through this -  you re stronger than you know! Take care x 

    Ps sorry if I repeat myself sometimes , the Tamoxifen is necessary but kicking my butt lol :/