Hi I’ just been diagnosed with anal cancer and leukaemia

Anyone awake

  • Offline in reply to Bungle1

    Oh wow. Is it sore? Things I’ve read say that the radiotherapy can cause incontinence which can stop after treatment but for some people it can continue. I’m feeling ok. Just glad there is a plan. It will be be just over 9 weeks from diagnosis to starting treatment.  Hopefully by the time it finishes it will all be gone xx

  • Offline in reply to Calia

    You sound like you have a positive attitude which is good. Picc line can be a little sore sometimes but mainly its just annoying. My medical team keep an eye on your toilet habits they don't want you to have diarrhoea or be constipated. Mine has changed you feel like you need to go all the time but they explained that you get swollen inside so your brain thinks you need to go when you don't. Water wipes are good thing to have as toilet roll is a bit rough. I've read all the horror stories as such but everyone is different and will react differently. Most people will be fine and move on with there life's. Xx

  • Offline in reply to Bungle1

    Yes I guess people only post the bad experiences. Hopefully we will be some of the lucky ones. Yes I feel positive. Just want to get on with it now. We’ve booked a week away to Madeira the week before I start so that should be nice. Xx