
Stage 3. Started with a PSA of 402 and a Gleason of 9. Just celebrated 1 year since I finished radio therapy treatment. PSA is less than 0.2 now. Hormone treatment has been quite the experience and I have my good days and my bad but I find being open about it and just talking helps a lot. 

  • Offline in reply to E123

    No. I was told after my biopsy that my cancer was inoperable due to how aggressive it was. No guarantee they could remove it safely and completely. I have to say that the early hormone treatment most likely saved my life. I had an early cancer care nurse who basically ran to the hospital pharmacy and gave me my first 30 days worth of hormone tablets right after the biopsy in the recovery room. Been getting 6 months injections after that. I think the hardest part for me was the fact I loved to run and work out but the drug made me tired and the loss of testosterone caused me to have a more difficult time working out. I traded running for walking and I reduced how many days I did weight training and took to more low impact exercises. Had a real grip on it at the start but recently I begun to develop the middle age spare tire. Harder to get rid of due to the hormone but I’m giving it a go. No sugar is good. Have you had radiotherapy yet?

  • Offline in reply to Mac211

    Not had any treatments yet ..Sorry to hear it was inoperable but the good thing is the speed of which you got your hormone tablets … I’m glad they’re tablets as I have a needle phobia which has almost made me pass out in the past. This really does sound like testing times ahead but it’s good to hear your still in the race and doing good.

  • Good morning E123 and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum. 

    I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis that has led you to find us. It's understandable that this is a worrying time for you and natural that you want to do all that you can to improve your health. 

    It's good to hear that you've already made some positive changes by doing more gentle exercise and reducing your alcohol intake. I wanted to send you the links to the information we have on our website about cancer and sugar and also about fasting

    If there's anything that you want to talk through with one of our team of cancer information nurses you're most welcome to give them a call. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that the specialists have all the information they need to discuss treatment options with you soon. Keep in touch E123 and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Offline in reply to E123

    E123 I took tablets at the start but my 6 monthly is an injection in my backside. I just felt that it was easier and required less thought on a daily basis if I went for the 6 month injection. However there is a 3 month and tablets. They understand everyone is different. I used to be told I was a hero for serving my country and I don’t think otherwise but I truly believe those in the NHS that help me fight this horrible disease are truly unsung hero’s. The doctors, nurses and technicians went to war on my cancer and beat it into submission and for that they will always be part of my family. I know we can’t look around every corner but just keep talking, asking question no matter how trivial you may think they are, part of the battle is mental health. 

  • Offline in reply to Mac211

    That’s absolutely brilliant to read  Mac211 Thank you so much for your reply, you really have lifted my mood and spirits this morning reading this. Keep up your Great work mate x 

  • Offline in reply to E123

    E123 you’re very welcome. Have a great day.