Lost - had partial mastectomy a few weeks ago but feeling exhausted. I am showing signs of falling back into depression. I feel so alone.


I've just joined.

I had a partial mastectomy a few weeks ago. I will be getting radiotherapy soon. 

The surgery was successful and is healing well, but I can't help feeling butchered and damaged. I suffer from SAD and long term depression and anxiety, and I can feel myself sliding into full blown depression again.

I'm constantly exhausted and I'm really struggling with going to work. I had 3 weeks off after surgery but had to return for financial reasons. I try to tell my boss how tired I am but he just thinks it's an excuse.

I have no interest in doing anything and my appetite has gone. I also feel like I'm running on empty as I don't fall asleep until around 4am and I have to be up at 7am.

I just feel so alone and I see signs that I have started to give up. 

  • Hi Gezza68 im sorry you are feeling like this but please don't give up. Can you speak to your gp about how you are feeling. Also there are cancer charitys who can help and give you advice. As far as your employer goes they have a duty of care towards you if you speak to an organisation called ACAS they can advise you of your legal rights and talk to your employer if need be. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Welcome to the forum Gezza68 although, like Bungle1, I'm really sorry to hear how you are feeling.

    I can see Bungle1 has given you some good advice already but I just wanted to stop by and share this information I've found about returning to work after having cancer treatment. I hope it helps you with getting the support you need from your employer, but do give Macmillan a call if you need to as they provide information and advice to anyone who has to cope with cancer while they are working, including any financial benefits you may be entitled to.

    Noticing signs that your depression may be returning must be worrying but as you are aware of what's going on, do make sure you speak to your medical team or GP so you can get the support you need to help you through this difficult time.

    I hope you can take some comfort from knowing that our community are here for you Gezza, and are sending all their support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, I had over 4 months off for depression earlier in the year. Work have a rule that after 5 months, you go on half pay. I can't afford to go on half pay so had to go back 

  • Thank you xx

  • Hi I would still speak to ACAS or macmillan there may be some financial help you are entitled to. I understand the financial aspect of cancer and work is ***, I'm only getting SSP from one of my jobs but you have to put your health first its the most important thing. X