Trying not to fall apart

Hello I have just signed up after discovering last Thursday that my 35 year old, special needs daughter has a life limiting tumour in her right lung the consultant reckons she's had it since birth but in the last four years this slow growing mass has grown to the stage that it has collapsed the top lobe of her lung, because of her disabilities they will not offer chemo or radiotherapy because she wouldn't understand or cope with it, they can't even say whether it's now malignant or still benign as they won't do a biopsy or surgical intervention all they have offered is palliative care so now I feel like I'm just waiting for my only child to die, I'm heartbroken, I've cried every day since Thursday, I went to Maggie's yesterday and they were lovely and I definitely will go back I'm also coping with my own diagnosis of breast cancer which thankfully was discovered very early and I only require five sessions of radiotherapy which starts next month.

My lovely trouble free life has ended now I have this.

  • Hi Heatherelle firstly I’m so sorry that you find yourself in this situation. I can tell how utterly devastated you are. I don’t have any advice for you however I hope you have a good support system around you. Sending you a big hug, take one day at a time xx