Breast cancer

I’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer I’m frightened is there any thing I should be careful of doing and anything I should avoid eating 

  • Hi Laura,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis. Do you know what type or stage of breast cancer you have? I am not a nutritionist, but have had 2 bouts of breast cancer a year apart from each other. I stick to a healthy diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables. I have cut down on the amount of red meat I eat and reduced my alcohol intake, which was never much. I have never smoked.

    If you have just been diagnosed, do you know what surgery and treatment you'll be having? The main thing is to try and stay as positive as you can about the outcome. Avoid mixing with people who convey a negativity. Place your trust in your care team, who do this for a living.

    I lost my mum to secondary breast cancer and was terrified at first. I have been fortunate in that I have had 14 years since diagnosis and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life.

    Please keep in touch and let us know more. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I find out next Thursday the 3rd they already said they would cut lump out then got choices of tablets radiation or kemo 

  • Hi! I’m 8 weeks post surgery. I know how scary it is.

    im not gonna lie … I had the “sod it attitude” if I fancied eating it, then I ate it….. I’d got cancer… sod it!!!

    im now reining it in and being sensible….

    i had both stage 1 & 2 plus some pesky bits removed in between the 2 larger areas…

    all I’m going to say is that our mantra was, “we have a plan, we stick to the plan”

    your surgeon will tell you what they think the best course of action is…. This is their bread and butter… no one can look after you better than they can.

    write a list of questions and don’t be afraid to ask them.

    i literally highlighted everything in the pamphlets that I didn’t understand…  knowledge is power.

    if you are googling, stick to the nhs info or cancer research…..  I also looked at YouTube videos about radio therapy at my hospital as I knew that information would be most accurate.

    macmillan are brilliant… the lady at the information desk at my hospital was superb.

    I have JUST joined this forum. But happy to be here if you need anything. 

    also, you can get free prescriptions when you have a cancer diagnosis, this information isn’t always freely given…. But your nurse or GP can give you the form to fill in. 

  • Hi Laura,

    Waiting for results is always a difficult time. I am glad to hear that you don't have much longer to wait. I shall be thinking of you on 3rd and hope that you have caught it early.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx