Dreaded biopsy wait

After eventually plucking up the courage to get myself along to the gp to have a look at a lump in my left breast I was put on the 2 week referral pathway. I had what felt like 6 thousand mamograms, ultrasounds, and they took biopsy. I am now a week and a half into my wait for the results. And I am going mad. After years of brushing off my lumpy boob's as nothing to worry about I was genuinely taken aback by this response to my new, pronounced lump. I was stupid and After I missed a call from a private number I went on my NHS app to see if it was the clinic trying to call. Worst decision. I found a letter giving M5, U5 numbers, and stated extensive malignant calcification.  Not what I was expecting.  My feeling though is that this is a false positive as I have extremely dense breasts and the nurse even struggled to take the biopsy it is so dense. I wonder if the dense tissue I have always had is being mistaken. I shouldn't have gone on the app I know. The wait is horrendous.  I just want to know and they said because of a backlog ill have to wait at least 4 weeks to be contacted to arrange an appointment and that they are running behind with the appointments as well. I'm feeling like time has stopped. Not sure I have a question, just wanted to chat it through and share really. What a strange time. 

  • Hi Esmeralda_Ana,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am glad to hear that you eventually plucked up the courage to get your breasts investigated. Most of us would agree, that this is one of the worst stages of our cancer journey. Not having a diagnosis yet and not knowing what will happen, leaves you in the stage of "the unknown" and this is when we give rein to our over-active imaginations, which never serve us well. I am so sorry that you found that letter online and can understand your concerns.

    Waiting for the results is always an anxious time and I sincerely hope that they come through soon. 4 weeks is a long time to wait. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx