Breast cancer surgery -therapeutic mammoplasty Bra advice

Hi  I’m two days post surgery and whilst it’s painful it isn’t too bad.. my question is about support bras. Have to wear one for six weeks 24/7. The current ones I have, have a seem coming up from the bottom towards the nipple, which is fine while I have dressings on, but as I’ve had “racquet” scar (all round nipple and out towards armpit, I have read that this seem will rub once the dressings are off.

have been searching on line but can anyone recommend a front fastening bra without seams……


  • Hi there

    I had mastectomy and reconstruction immediately. Found some lovely soft bras in M & S. Think they are called “body”. Lovely and comfy. Also they do a zip up front one too which I like. Still wearing them 3 months on as quite tender. The worst bit for me was the long sentinel node scar which was in a really awkward place and did rub for a while.

    Hope you get on okay. Any questions feel free to private message me.

    Mary x

  • Thanks for the reply Mary, I’ve also had the lymph noises done. I did have a look in M&S but guess I was trying to find a cheaper alternative. I guess in this situation comfort & quality is key. While I can’t go out to try things I’m looking on line..Hope you are doing ok now?

    Karla x

  • Hi there Karla in M & S they are called Flexifit non-wired bras £22 but you do need to try on really. I’m still wearing mine as not fully comfortable yet. Learned from before as 5 years ago had prev us breast cancer in right breast and knew would need bras ready for this time  Also wear cheap soft bra at night just for extra support. 

    Im doing ok thanks almost back to normal but have had to change my medication from exemestane to Tamoxifen as couldn’t tolerate the side effects and it’s for 5 years too.

    Keep in touch

    Love Mary

  • Hi. I had a double mastectomy and 6months post final op still wear my Anita bra at night as it is so comfortable. A lady I met at the hospital recommended as she had found it comfortable. While it was more expensive than the high st brands. It’s the best money I ever spent. I have worn it pretty much every day since I got it. I ended up buying a second to change.  Google Anita care compression bras. They have different bras for different types of operations.  And they are so comfortable.  So for your operation there will be a bra specifically designed so the pressure and seams are in the right place. Mine doesn’t roll up either and it’s 9 months old!!! 

  • Thank you! It’s such a mine field trying to get the right bras, especially when you can’t get to the shops. The discomfort of the ones I have don’t help when recovering from surgery.

    its great that we have a forum to share experiences.  Keep well xx

  • Hi Karlywarlysider. 
    I am doing well though not so well on tamoxifen. So hoping they can do something else. I feel somewhat a post surgery bra expert and order countless bras online only to send the back. My Anita bra is a godsend.  But for some reason they call the. Compression bandages.  Good luck and I hope you find the right one. Good luck with your recovery.  It gets easier. X

  • Hi there I was struggling with side effects of exemestane and just about to start on Tamoxifen. Hoping not to have so many side effects and would be interested to know how you are finding it, Otherwise am doing really well following mastectomy and immediate reconstruction 3 months ago x

  • Hey Mary, I’m only 5 days in from therapeutic mammoplasty, still to find out if they got it all and what I look like afterwards- will probs only be radiotherapy I hope. Interested to hear about your experience of hormone tablets. I’m post menopause so they said tamoxifen wouldn’t be suitable (which is good as I had a TIA 13yrs ago - what did extemestane feel like? Xx

  • Hey  not heard good things about tamoxifen but hopefully won’t have that as post menopause and also had a TIA in the past …hope you find the right medication and I find the right bras at the mo! xx

  • Hi there Karly

    Sounds like you are doing well and pleased to hear that. When do you get your results and treatment plan? I am well past menopause but my Consultant said it would be ok to have Tamoxifen so will see how it goes. Was on Letrozole for almost 5 years which didn’t seem to prevent me having breast cancer again! Exemestane gave me very bad joint pains especially in knees and hips. Also indigestion and heartburn too but everyone is different.

    I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy after my first cancer 5 years ago which went very well then took Anastrazole/Letrozole until being diagnosed again in other breast this year. Felt really fed up to have to go through it again but here I am now in the other side doing well x