Basal cell removal - been waiting a year to get it removed on the NHS. Does anyone know how much it would cost to get it done privately?


I was diagnosed with Basel cell carcinoma on my right nostril over 12 months ago and am still waiting to get it removed on the NHS, in the last few months it's started to get more itchy and mildly painful & seems to be getting larger.

I have contacted the hospital several times, they say they'll get back to me but never have.

Does anyone know how much it would cost to have this thing removed privately? I'm a pensioner but do have a reasonable amount of savings so would be able to fund any treatment within reason financially. 

I know my cancer is nothing like as serious as that which some people on here are dealing with but I'd really like to get it removed ASAP



  • Hi Dave go back to your GP and get them to contact the hospital again for you, a GP has more clout than a patient.

    Privately you are looking just under £1000 more if you need a skin graft. 

    Ive had this procedure done the BCC was on my nose for 15 years so they are slow growing but get to a point where they need removing.

    The procedure with skin graft took around 1 hour. It has left me with a collapsed nasal passage which is difficult to breath through but I still have a nose. Ed

  • Thanks Ed £1k would be well within budget, may I ask which clinic carried out your procedure?

  • The forum rules state that you cannot recommend any particular private health provider.

    But I did get a few quotes the consultation cost around £200  the treatment if straightforward around £800 could be 2X to 3X this if complicated. Skin graft etc.

    I ended up choosing nearest facility for convenience plus when travel and an overnight stay in a hotel were added there was little difference. Ive had many such ops the majority with NHS. Ed