My wife has been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer

Hi my wife has been diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer. She was admitted 3 weeks ago as an emergency case to hospital suffering from pyloric stenosis. The exact type of cancer is in dispute between the oncologist and the gastric doctors who don't seem to care as they want the bed back. She has not eaten anything by mouth for over a month and has now had a stent put in to open up the stomach. What I would like help with is knowing anyone with a similar experience who learned how to eat again now that her feeding tube has been removed.

Any help or directions to a place here where such things are discussed would be greatly appreciated


  • Hi Ashley-Dye, 

    I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your wife, that she has been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and  ended up in hospital 3 weeks ago as an emergency case. It must have been so distressing for you to see her unable to eat for over a month and now that she has had her feeding tube removed, you must be feeling nervous about her having to learn to eat again. We have information on our website on stomach stents which you might find useful. Perhaps you could talk to her medical team and ask for any tips or advice they could give you to help her make the transition to starting eating again smoother and don't hesitate to ask them any questions. 

    Our nurses are also available on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you would like to talk things through with them and I am sure they will have some good tips for you or they will also be happy to point you in the right direction - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Other members of our community may have been in a position similar to yours before looking after a loved one with stage 4 stomach cancer and I hope that they will be happy to come and share their experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thankyou Lucie.

    I will look that all up. At the moment there is a lot of conflicting advice being given us by medical staff including doctors so we have been becoming increasingly distrustful of what they say. We can only assume that this is a symptom of the NHS being under extreme pressure. As a result would really like to find someone with similar experience to swop notes.

    Many thanks
