Just diagnosed - feel a bit nervy as seeing Consultant the week

I've just got a diagnosis of Papillary squamous cell carcinoma (in the throat, retromolar and soft palate). I'm lucky to have a lot of support around me, but I think it is a little bit like when I quit drinking and drugs 16 years ago, everyone was quite supportive but others in the same boat understood it a bit more. I'm not sure how active I'll be here, not generally great with message boards but thought I need to start doing things to acknowledge the problem and greet the treatment!!

  • Im new here too and have had some good advice and info over last 24 hours. The support from others "in the same boat" has made me feel more upbeat. Worth a look in now and again to ask for advice or support. If youve quit drugs and drink you have a head start mentally on dealing with whats to come. Keep the forum posted with how you are getting on. Ive had a different type of SCC in throat and saliva glands and may be able to give some help when you start treatment as can many others. All the best Ed

  • Hey Ed

    Thanks so much for the response. I'll be finding out about the treatment plan on Wednesday. How are you doing, have you started treatment? I guess thinking about it I should go check and see if you've posted that already! :) Kindest Regards Dougie

  • Im on a re run of 10 years ago. Just had surgery and awaiting next step. Radiotherapy not an option so possibly immunotherapy. So I had 10 fairly healthy years in between first episode and recurrence. Id call that a win. Ed

  • I'll keep posting on this thread if I may. I hope you are as comfortable as you can be post surgery. I'll know my treatment plan after this Wednesday :)

  • I'm still not quite up to scratch in terms of navigating and using this board, still I'll pop something up and hope Ed is ok after surgery.

    I had CT and MRI, met with the consultant who tells me it has not spread, not metastasised and is localised. Referring me to Oncology for a treatment plan. I came out of that appointment skipping down the road, took me a moment to consider I still need treatment, maybe it is better to say not spread "yet", either way I will take that as a first win. Wait and see what's next. I'm deeply moved by all the posts I check in on here. I'll try and get better at using the forum. D

  • Offline in reply to DD62

    I'm so happy for you to get some good news re your scans.. Cancer in just one area is more treatable than when metastatic. Many posts on this site are harrowing and I cant help but feel total empathy with those posting. Surgery went well skin grafts took ok and no infection. Very sore but to be expected, Paracetamol and iboprofen are not much good really. Get remaining stitches out tomorrow dressings smell awful, very aware of this when in company of others. Still waiting to find out whats next as not all the cancer lesions could be removed with surgery, too numerous plus in lung. 

    I'm planning some breaks away between hospital visits to bring some cheer to the situation.