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Secondary cancer in the lymph nodes in my neck.

Hi is there anyone on here who has the same cancer I have. ?  Anyone on here trying to fight there cancer naturally  without treatment? 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Purple-daffodil although I'm sorry to hear you have secondary cancer in your lymph nodes.

    This must be a very difficult time but hopefully you will hear back from some of our members soon who have also contended with this diagnosis.

    If you haven't done so already, do make sure you talk to your medical team if you are considering complementary or alternative therapies. Most alternative therapies have not been through testing, so there is no scientific evidence that they work and may not be completely safe. They may also interact with any conventional treatment you are receiving or cause harmful side effects.

    You can find out more about complementary and alternative therapies on our website but if you have any further questions, you can give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. They're available on Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and will do all that they can to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I have SCC skin cancer in lymph nodes in my neck

    By all means use natural remedies.

    BUT also in conjunction with tried and tested treatments recommended by your oncologist. Mine included surgery and radiotherapy. Ive survived 10 years now, sadly it has recurred and Ive just had more surgery and awaiting results.

    If you rely on natural therapies alone your outlook will be poor.

  • Hi ,Farmer-Ed , thank you for your message :))  I’ve had Ct scan, ex rays of my teeth jaw, and MRI scan they could not find the primary cancer so I had to have a PET scan , they have discussed my results and I’ll find out in two weeks. 
    I have been drinking Alkaline water daily as Ive been told cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body ,I have cut out sugar and only eat fish and veg. 
    the lump in my neck has reduced since I’ve been on this diet. I’m drinking matcha green tea 1 cup daily and taking two caps of Tumeric .

    The Alkaline water I drink I make at home , if you want the recipe please just ask  

    i know this diet is helping me plus I feel so well. 
    I will be back here with my results. 

  • You should read up on 3 things. The first one, the balance your body has to strike when it comes to being acidic or alkaline. Your body does this all for you. Too acidic, you'd die, too alkaline, you'd die. It's similar to the claims that "supercharging" your immune system is beneficial. A supercharged immune system kills you. That's exactly what a severe allergic reaction is. Your immune system over reacting to something it perceives to be a threat. Again, outside of allergic reactions, and with a balanced diet, your body does a great job keeping your immune system ticking along. It's true, a weakened immune system opens you up to all kinds of ailments, but in most people the immune system works as intended.

    Secondly, sugar. I can't speak for all cancers, but many cancers are fed by hormones etc, not sugar. Cane/processed sugar in general ain't good for you, even outwith a cancer diagnosis.

    Lastly, you should read up on Steve Job's [Apple co-founder] journey with cancer before you embark on the alternative route. Lets just say, when his cancer was first discovered, it had a good prognosis attached to it.

    There's a lot of noise on the internet about alternative treatments, and one of the main things all the success stories  have in common, they all received an op. Something a number of them either brush over or just outright omit from their miracle story.  No two ways about it, chemo is pure poison and no one should claim otherwise, but it has saved countless people.

    I always say, who would you trust the most, the person offering you a treatment who stands to gain no financial reward from treating you, or someone wanting your money before they treat you? The NHS actually lose money treating patients. Imo, it's a no brainer.

  • Hi Profbaw 

    thank you for your reply. 
    are you going through a cancer diagnosis yourself,?  you seem to be knowledgable.

    i have read that chemo destroys the immune system , that sugar feeds cancer and cancer cells cannot thrive in a alkaline body. 
    also I’ve read the cancer is big business for big pharma and they do-not use natural therapies because no money in it. 

  • The one thing I've heard mentioned more than anything is Ivermectin ,my friends been taking it for quite sometime and other things but I'm not sure what they are ,she was on immunotherapy after refusing chemo .

  • Hi there,

    Please be mindful that use of this site for promotion of alternative therapies is not permitted, as per the terms and conditions.

    There is some information here about alkaline diets which we hope you will read. Sticking to a strict alkaline diet won’t prevent or cure cancer, and eating acidic foods won’t cause cancer.

    There are many myths about the effect sugar has on cancer, however there’s no evidence that following a "sugar-free" diet lowers the risk of getting cancer, or that it boosts the chances of surviving if you are diagnosed. It is more important to eat healthily and to ensure your diet consists of plenty of fruit and vegetables rather than eating a restrictive diet 

    As a science organisation we often hear conspiracies about 'big pharma' supressing cures. This is not at all true and we would be grateful if you would take time to read this article on conspiracies  To suggest that there is a conspiracy aimed at depriving cancer sufferers of effective treatments is not only absurd, it’s offensive to the global community of dedicated scientists, to the staff and supporters of cancer research organisations such as Cancer Research UK, and – most importantly – to patients with cancer and their loved ones.

    There is no scientific or medical evidence to show that alternative therapies can cure cancer. Some alternative therapies are unsafe and can cause harmful side effects. Or they may interact with your medical treatment. This could increase the risk of harmful side effects. Or they may stop the conventional treatment working so well. Posting unsubstantiated or incorrect information is unhelpful and could be harmful to others. We are therefore locking this thread to discourage further comment.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator