Supporting a post operative pancreatic cancer patient starting chemo

Hi my brother in law starts post operative chemo on 26th September, and I'm trying to find ideas and actions to stave off the inevitable depression and mental stress that he will get when the chemo gets tough. He's not a naturally positive person and finds it difficult to self help his way out of gloom and doom - any suggestions foe me please?

  • Hi RockinRobin, 

    It's so nice of you to want to find ideas so that you can support your brother in law through chemotherapy treatment and it can be difficult to know what to do when a loved one is going through chemotherapy. As you rightly pointed out, chemotherapy can have an effect on someone's mental and physical wellbeing and it can be really hard sometimes to predict how they might feel as it can change very quickly as a result of treatment. I think showing him that you are there will mean a lot to him- sometimes it's just the little touches, caring gestures or words that can go a long way. Our website has information on how to support someone with cancer and this includes some really good tips from people with cancer about talking to someone with cancer, how to be a good listener and the kind of practical support you could also offer. 

    However, I think that the best suggestions will come from other members of our community who have been in your brother in law's position before and I would like to invite them to share in their own words what sort of support was the most helpful to them during chemotherapy treatment. Hopefully you will find some inspiration here but I would also encourage you to follow your intuition as you seem to be so thoughtful but also to know your brother in law's personality well. 

    Wishing your brother in law the best of luck ahead of his treatment on the 26th. I hope it all goes ok for him and that he suffers minimal side effects. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator