Thyroid cancer

Hi there, 

I’m a 36 year old female, mum of 2 (aged 7 and 2) from Bristol.
During my last pregnancy (2022) a lump appeared in my neck it started on the right hand side and moved around to the front. At first I was told it would be hormones due to pregnancy, and that the lump would disappear as my hormones settled. 
This wasn’t the case, in November 2022 I spoke to my gp and I was referred to ENT for investigations. 
I had numerous scans, blood tests but they didnt show anything, I was assured it was goitre and was something I would probably just have to live with. 

In April 2023 another scan, again it showed clear and then in April 2024 I had another check up at the hospital. As the goitre appeared to be quite large and was causing me difficulty breathing at night, a hoarse voice & just generally looked very unattractive the consultant referred me to have the goitre removed along with the right side of my thyroid. I had another CT scan and had surgery booked for the end of July.

The operation took place and I was so happy with the result, the scar is quite large (around 7cms at the front of my neck) as goitre was large. 

I was told after the operation I’d be recalled to the hospital to have bloods taken to check my thyroid function and a scar check. I went to what I thought was this appt on Friday (7 weeks post op) 

I sat down and the consultant asked if I had anyone with me, I didn’t. Didn’t feel it necessary as just expecting bloods and a check of the scar. The consultant then told me i have thyroid cancer, I will need the other side of my thyroid removed and iodine radiotherapy. To say I was shocked is an understatement. The consultant ask if there was anyone I could ring, I called my husband and the consultant told him what he told me.

I’m looking at surgery in the next 6 weeks. I don’t have any further information at the moment and was told that I’d get a call from the thyroid cancer nurse on Monday (tomorrow) Has anyone been through something similar. To say I’m worried is an understatement. I’m confused why it wouldn’t have been picked up through the numerous scans.

Thanks in advance :-)

  • A very warm welcome to the Cancer Chat community xbristolx although I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

    No doubt you must be contending with a lot of thoughts and emotions right now but I'm glad you've reached out to us as so many of our members know what it's like to be in this position, so you are not alone xbristolx, and I'm sure it won't be long until you receive some support and advice.

    I do hope your call with the thyroid cancer nurse went well but if you have any other questions or concerns you'd like to discuss, do give our team of cancer nurses a call. They are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and will do all they can to give you the answers you're seeking and put your mind at ease about what's to come.

    We're thinking of you xbristolx and wishing you all the best with your surgery next month.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator