Fast track suspected womb cancer

Hi there I’m new to this site. I’m feeling desperately overwhelmed. Following a visit to my GP a week ago asking for my HRT to be adjusted I was referred for urgent bloods and scan of uterus due to minor spotting. I had the scan on Friday morning and the same afternoon received a call from a specialist nurse advising that my uterine levels are 11.1 and i will need a biopsy. Whilst I’m reassured at the pace of the investigation I’m shocked and stunned of the thought of a cancer diagnosis. 
Is anyone else going through this please ? The nurse did me mention that a coil can be inserted but I’d like more information on this. 

  • I had 2 tiny drops of blood 15 years post menopause. As I'd already had bowel cancer I immediately arranged to see GP. Then had ultra sound - v thick womb lining and a polyp removed and biosies. Had a hysteroscopy-  2 - then mirena coil fitted. Wasn't much fun the fitting  but i have tilted cervix and after effects , cramping etc

    Hysteroscopy repeated to get biopsies 2 more times over approx 6 months. Cells from biopsies were abnormal but not cancer. However womb lining remained stubbornly thick.

    After discussion with gynecologist consultant decided to have radical hysterectomy as high % chance of cancer hiding somewhere.  She was right I had a very small tumor hiding in lining folds. 

    Now 4 months on all good and no chemo as surgery considered curative. Have 2 more follow ups 6 months apart to check for v unlikely chance of  reoccurrence .

    I don't regret trying the coil as  such as for some it will effectively thin the lining and cells return to normal if I had a crystal ball I'd just have got on with hysterectomy 

  • Offline in reply to Gillm

    Thank you, the information is helpful. It’s difficult to process everything as it seems to be moving quickly. I guess I’ll get the biopsy early this week… very scary times.

  • Yeah it is scary but good things are moving quickly- less time to think. 

    And early diagnosis os always better.

    Dont panic if biopsies bring up abnormal precancerous cells

    Everyone is different and the coil does work just not for everyone