Hello everyone - limbo time

Hi everyone, lovely to meet you all.   I hope you’re all having as best a Friday as you can. I’m going down the cancer treatment path as abnormal cells found but not able to say if cancerous or not without a hysterectomy (likely radical).  Seeing the oncologist in 4 weeks.  Also have a 17.4cm fibroid - it’s large just over 2 litres!   Only found it as I thought I had hard abs and hubby told me abs not that low down.  MRI and hysteroscopy done but not able to confirm.   I am still holding out for benign and feel a fraud in the meantime but I hope that may resonate with someone.  Take care.  Best wishes. Life of Riley.  

  • Hi LifeofRiley, 

    Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. What a stressful time it must be for you as you are waiting to find out whether these abnormal cells are cancerous or not and only being able to know for sure after you have had the hysterectomy will no doubt be adding to your anxiety. I hope that your appointment to see the oncologist in 4 weeks' time will go well and that they will be able to tell you more as to what is to be expected and how they will deal with this large fibroid. It must be so frustrating for you to have been through all these tests including an MRI and a hysteroscopy but there still being no definite answers. 

    You are right to still hope that it is all benign and I am keeping everything tightly crossed for you that it will be the case. I am sure your story will resonate with many members of our forum who have been in a similar position, who know only too well what it feels like to be in this prolonged state of limbo. Sadly all you can do for now is wait and I thought I would share with you these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I hope you will get some answers soon - do let us know if you don't mind what you find out. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator