Niraparib after hysterectomy

Hi I am just about to start niraparib I am 76 had toal hysterectomy stage 4 cancer had 2 lots surgery  2 sessions chemo any advice on results of niraparib thankyou  in adance

  • Hi weeds, 

    It can be a bit stressful to know that you are going to start a new treatment and to worry about what the side effects and what the results might be. I hope that it will all go well for you and I thought I would share with you the information we have on our website on niraparib - it will tell you more about how Niraparib (also called Zejula) works and side effects you might experience  but it's important to bear in mind that these will vary from person to person. 

    If you have any question about Niraparib or about your treatment, don't hesitate to get in touch with our cancer nurses - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and you can call them on this free number 0808 800 4040. 

    There will be other members of our community who have taken this targeted cancer drug and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their treatment experiences with you. I had a little look around the forum for other threads from members who had posted on 'Niraparib' and found this thread by  who two months ago was in a similar position and was about to start niraparib and you will notice on that thread that  also posted her experience of niraparib there so feel free to reply if you wish to do so. 

    I hope this helps and that you will get chatting soon here to others who have had a similar treatment journey. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi - yes I have been on Niraparib now for 15 months and am doing really well on it. I like you have had two operations, surgical hysterectomy and 2 rounds of chemo and my ovarian cancer is now incurable. Only significant side effects are heart palpitations which I take bisoprolol for and fatigue. I would definitely give it a go. Best, Katy 

  • Thank you so much for information hope you well as can be at moment 

  • Offline in reply to weeds

    Hi Weeds, I have been on Naraparib 200mg for almost two months.  On the whole I'm coping quite well with it.  Feel a bit sick sometimes but haven't vomited, tiredness is manageable if you make sure to rest and not rush around too much, sometimes difficult!, but the worst symptom for me is insomnia.  I'm taking sleeping tablets at the moment but hope to wean myself off them and see how I go.  I do take my tablets at night and wondered if taking them in the morning might be better so I'll discuss with my oncologist when I see her.  Hope this is helpful.

  • Offline in reply to Elphelia

    Thanks for your reply good luck