1st chemo session completed - stage 4 small cell lung cancer which spread to brain

Was diagnosed in June, and have just had my 1st treatment session. All went well. No sickness thank goodness. 
60 year old male, Northern Scotland. 2 teenage boys and wife, dog and cat. 
stage 4 small cell cancer. Main spread from lungs was to brain causing me a lot of unsteadyness

  • Hi Chemicalcolin, 

    A big welcome to our forum and well done for getting through this first chemotherapy session - an important milestone! I am pleased to hear that all went well for you and that you didn't experience any sickness. 

    Northern Scotland is a beautiful place to live and it sounds like you have a nice family and support network around you with your wife, teenage boys and your dog and cat - pets can be the best companions through chemotherapy treatment. 

    I hope that your treatment for small cell cancer will continue to go well and that you will hear from other members of our community who have had a similar diagnosis or who also went through chemotherapy. It does help to talk to others who find themselves in a similar boat. 

    Keep us updated on how things progress for you if you get a chance. Best of luck for the rest of the treatment - I hope it all continues to go smoothly for you! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator