Bilateral Orchidectomy - Libido?

Hi there.

Last year I had my second orchidectomy, the 1st was in 2016.

I am on testosterone replacement gel which my endocrinologist says is at at the right level - the issue is, I have zero libido, literally non existent.

Anyone else had issues like this and any tips?

I'm 46.


  • Hi Big-Dave,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. Although I'm not able to advise on this specifically, I wanted to send a reply to give your post a little boost, so a few more people should see it and hopefully you'll get some more replies.

    I'm not sure if you've spoken to your doctor about this, but it would be worth seeing if they had any advice.

    You are also welcome to speak to our nurses if you would like to - you can do this either by posting in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum, or by calling freephone 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator