How do i do this - mum diagnosed with secondary womb cancer and due to start chemo

Hi everyone,

my beautiful mum has secondary womb cancer and is about to start chemotherapy for the first time as she only had radiotherapy and surgery first time round. I know what all this means, and that we are playing for time here. I  feel so lost and helpless and don’t know how I’m ever going to get through this. My mum is my other self, she guides me and advises me and makes me feel better when I’m scared I’ve never felt more frightened in my life. I have a six year old little boy that adores her and I don’t know how to handle this with him. I have to look after my dad who is going to be bereft when she leaves us. I have amazing friends but I’m an only child with a husband who is trying his best to help. How can it be I feel so utterly alone with these great people to support me. I just want my mum to make it better and she can’t. Where do I find someone independent who can help me with this I’m lost.

  • Hi Jojo718,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm very sorry to hear of the situation with your mum, I can understand this must be incredibly difficult and an awful lot to process.

    It's good to hear that you have people around you, though I also understand this may not always make things easier.

    It's a bit cliched, but try to take things as slowly as possible, and one day at a time. It sounds like you may be waiting for more information, which will hopefully help with understanding what to potentially expect.

    Keep looking after yourself as much as possible, including by speaking to others - those around you, but also others who, as you say, may be more independent and who understand.

    We are always here on the forum if ever you need it, so I hope that it helps a little to write things down and connect with others. You may wish to have a search of the forum for other discussions on here and people to reach out to.

    Both Macmillan and Maggie's have good resources which would be worth looking at. They also have information about local support options, including people to speak to, and also local centres where relevant.

    As I say, we're always here for you. Take care and wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator