Waiting for news


i had biopsies last week for a lump in my breast - the doctor described the lump as “worrisome”. 
Im awaiting the results - these take up to 10 days. 
Any ideas about how to manage this waiting time? 


  • Hi.

    I had biopsies on 14th August part results were back on 23rd . Some only yesterday and still waiting on 1 but I am seeing the consultant on Friday. We are all different and I'm sorry to hear your biopsies were said to be worrisome but once your hear either way you feel much better

     I've found just keeping it normal and busy. Work. Gym usual activity.keeps your mind off it. Chatting here helps ! Very positive stories,support and outcomes. I have odd wobble but I try bring myself back focussed. I don't feel ill. I didn't know before I had my screening . No symptoms so decided to keep things normal talk to the breast nurse when I have received results to understand. Family and friends help. It's hard I know but try and occupy your time . Not knowing is the hardest . Fingers crossed for good news for you soon xx