Ovarian cancer

I started with abdominal pains on day 1 of my holiday in Tenerife and was admitted to hospital where I was given CT and MRI, plus Gynae ultrasound. 

Diagnosis of abdominal mass  sent home on scheduled flight with pain management.

In the GP the next day and fast tracked through with more tests.

Uk diagnosis of a uterus full of large fibroids, a 14.5cm ovarian cancerous cyst which had twisted and burst and fluid in my abdomen which was making me look 9 months pregnant with twins. 

6 weeks to the day of getting home from holiday, i was on the table having a total hysterectomy, ovaries, tubes, appendix, lymph nodes removed, plus fatty lining of the abdomen and bowel nodules "scraped".

40 staples holding my abdomen together.

I'm now 3 weeks post op and waiting for an appointment with the oncology team to find out what the full diagnosis / stage is and if I need any further treatment.

I haven't cried at all yet. I think I'm worried that it won't stop if it starts. I'm so hopeful that the surgery will be the end of it, but I have such a bad feeling.

Such a terrifying process.

Love to you all going through similar things. Xxx

Paula. Xx

  • Hi Paula, 

    How unfortunate that it all started on the first day of your holiday in Tenerife and you ended up in hospital there - what a stressful time it must have been for you with it all happening while you were away. It's good that they took things seriously when you got home and you were fast tracked with more tests and it all moved really fast though poor you having to have a hysterectomy within weeks of coming back from holiday. 

    How are you feeling three weeks post op? I hope that the recovery is going well and that you are not in too much pain. It must be such an anxious time for you as you are recovering from surgery and waiting to find out what your treatment plan might be and what the full diagnosis is. The uncertainty regarding the details of your diagnosis must be difficult to bear and as you say it can be a long and painful process just trying to figure out what is going on. While you are waiting, I thought I would share with you our helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    We're thinking of you during this anxious time and hope that you get a bit more clarity soon. I hope that you will hear from others on the forum who have been through something similar before and who will understand what an emotional time it must be for you at the moment. 

    We'd love to hear from you again if you can spare a moment to update us when you get your results. I am keeping everything crossed for you and hope that your oncology appointment goes well and that you won't have to wait too long to be seen. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Paula, are journey seems similar. Had a large ovarian cyst (left side) that burst whilst driving, went straight to A&E as had severe pain. That's when I found out it was a cyst. (I'll add same thing happened when I was 19, right side).

    They removed the left ovary, fallopian tube and cyst withing 24hrs that was on February 26th .

    3 months later May 27th I was told I had ovarian cancer. Noone knows why it took so long to notify me. It was an absolute shock.

    Like you, July 24th i had a total hysterectomy and omentectomy, 40 staples. I'm now 7 wks post op and doing well. 

    Spoke with surgeon last week and I'm stage 2 grade 2a. Ther wa sa small.amount of cancer in my womb, 2mm.

    Spoke today with my consultant about treatment and they've said its up to me if I choose to have chemo. They won't comme t on if they think o should have it as the cancer in my womb was such a small amount. 

    I'm now left completely baffled as to whether I have chemo or.not. I know nothing about chemo even with the books and leaflets I'm.still at a loss on what I should do.

    Glad yours has been caught early too, and I hope you're recovering well, it's not easy.

    Magz x