New and terrified


I am struggling to know what to even say at the moment.

I started with heartburn and constipation around 4 months ago and went to the doctor as I thought maybe I was gluten intolerant. Had no pain, no bloating etc……… well I did a FIT test which was positive with high levels of blood (I never noticed any blood) I had a colonoscopy 5 days ago and there it was, a big tumour. I am waiting for a CT scan now.

How do I get through the fear?, I have never suffered  a panic attack but I had one in the car because I had my hair done and booked an advanced appointment as I would usually do and then panicked when I got in the car because I’m unlikely to be able to go. It did pass and I got myself home but urgh.

I am going to work tomorrow as i need to be kept busy but also it is making me sad as I am a veterinary nurse and I am scared I won’t be able to do my job properly. So many emotions right now and it is overwhelming.

sorry for rambling