wife decided to call my cancer Nigel

Hi. i was diagnosed with cancer this week and my wife said it needed a name since all we know so far is a general location and size so we settled on Nigel. just hoping its not Nasty Nigel!

  • Yes, I can relate to that.  A few months ago a large tumour was found on my liver.  Even after ct and mri scan the doctors still couldnt tell if it was benign or malignant, so they scheduled me straight for surgery to remove it (which took place 4 weeks ago), I called it Larry, I just found it more light hearted when talking to friends about 'Larry' instead of 'my tumour'. 

    Whatever gets you through this journey with your sanity in place!  I hope that it doesnt turn out to be Nasty Nigel.  I am still waiting for the pathology on Larry to find out if he is a nasty blighter or hopefully all benign and no more treatment required.

    Good luck.
