Just diagnosed Stage 1a uterine cancer

I was diagnosed on Thursday. The consultant is happy that surgery (hysterectomy) will take care of it and the operation will take place within a couple of weeks.

So, I've been pretty upbeat about the whole situation. I'm happy that the symptoms I was/am having will stop soon BUT I woke up this morning feeling completely overwhelmed - I would like to know if this is normal? I know in comparison to other cancers this is just about as good as you could wish for.


  • Hi taty 

    Totally normal. I'm now 3 months post hysterectomy and 1b uterine cancer. But everything happened so quickly after diagnosis that I didn't have a lot of time to really think about it. I also had keyhole surgery which made recovery a lot quicker.

    I do consider myself so lucky and really count my blessings after reading other people's stories on this forum.

    Just plan for after the operation and to take care of yourself as you will still need to be careful with what you can do...

    Please keep in touch and good luck xx

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Hi JEK12, thank you so much for your reply. They are planning keyhole surgery for me as well so we have a lot in common. Having read what you typed, I do think the fact that I'm not having time to process what's happening is a big deal for me so thank you again.

    Thank you (again!) xx

  • Offline in reply to taty

    More than happy to help.. Still a scary time and one which I will never forget but hopefully will fade in time..  Any questions please do not hesitate to ask..xx

  • Hello 

    I have been diagnosed with the same than you and really overwhelmed as well 

    waiting for hysterectomy as well 

    Had tiny lung nodule removed in May after hysteroscopy for thick endometrium in April , lung resulted in cancer but all clear and cured ( never smoked) , forgot about me until August when they say hysteroscopy results were not normal as they told me first in April so repeated hysteroscopy 2 weeks ago and confirmed cancer diagnosis 

    Serious investigation going on due to 4 months delay 

    All incidental findings and no symptoms 

    I know in a way I’m lucky due to being so early stages but really overwhelmed by it all , they’re not linked

    Just want a happy ending and my life back 

    Take care everybody, life is precious x

  • Offline in reply to Cuca

    It's so important with all cancers that if found early the prognosis is good..  After the hysterectomy then you can start living your life again.. I certainly have. Good luck with the op and hang on in there!!  xx

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Hi I’m now 10 days from my keyhole op and feeling ok like you I have been diagnosed with 1B and am hoping nothing changes when they call me back in 3 weeks for post op. A little worried because they weren’t able to take lymph node sample, how are you now

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    I had my op 10 days ago for 1B womb cancer and I’m feeling fine just anxious about post op results because they weren’t able to take lymph node sample, how are you feeling now.

  • Offline in reply to a07

    Hi, I feel very well and back to normal. Yes, waiting for the post op appointment was worrying. My consultant wouldn't confirm if chemo would be required until the final results were in. Thankfully all OK and no further treatment needed.

    Although it's crazy that any little pain or twinge now I worry that something else is going on. I'm guessing that this is normal and will fade over time. My first screening appointment is not until early October so I'm hoping that will settle my nerves..


  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    It’s so refreshing to be able to talk to someone who has been going through same experience and m sure I will feel the same about any twinge. It’s all been such a whirl wind  and am still feeling anxious but here’s hoping will be ok xx

  • Offline in reply to a07

    Hi, why weren't they able to take a sample of your lymph nodes? I know my consultant said that on the MRI scan my lymph nodes looked fine but would need to wait for the op to get a better look...  But they were able to sample them...   Also another reason why I didn't need chemo... x