Side effects of treatment

I was diagnosed with stage ovarian cancer last June (2023) . I have the aggressive chemo and complete debulk surgery . I am now 8 months on Olaparib low dose chemo tablets and 3 weekly immunotherapy fusions. All is going really well and I have been told there is currently no sign of cancer. However I’m experiencing severe itching and soreness in my fingers and eyes. I’ve been told this is a side effect of my treatment but wondered if anyone else had this problem and what you used. I am currently using E45 itch relief cream but it tends to get in my eyes and make them very watery. I am having prescription eye drops and a mouth wash (for my sore mouth) delivered today from the hospital but would like to hear from people who have had similar side effects. Thank you.

  • Hi Kookoo,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having these side-effects. I use Eurax cream for the itching. It doesn't completely get rid of the itch, but it helps. Is your mouth sore or very dry? I use Salvix spray for dryness and eye drops for my eyes. I hope that others can give you some other suggestions and that you eventually find something to help.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you Jolamine, I will take a look at that. The hospital are sending me difflam spray for my mouth. My tongue is numb and then it feels like I’m eating razor blades  thank you so much for your response X