Mum supporting Daughter who is waiting for biopsy results. Polyp found during colonoscopy. Very stressful

Hello, I have just joined.  We are currently waiting on results for my daughter who is 26.  Following a colonoscopy they found a polyp.  She had the biopsy and a CT scan then a MRI.  The waiting is very stressful.  She also has a daughter coming up for 3.

  • Hi Nannymic, 

    A very warm welcome to our friendly forum and I hope that you will hear from others here who have been in a similar position and had to wait for results after a polyp was found during a colonoscopy. In a situation like this, the waiting is the hardest thing both for you as a mother who is understandably worried about her daughter and for your daughter herself who must be really stressed at the moment. It's good that they are being thorough though and that they are doing all the important tests and I hope that you won't have to wait too long for these results and that it all turns out to be nothing too concerning. Time can seem to go very slowly when waiting for results and I hope that your granddaughter who is nearly 3 and I imagine  very cute will help keep you both busy this weekend - it's a good idea in times like this to focus on the little ones as they sure know how to keep us entertained and distracted!

    I am keeping everything crossed for you and I thought I would also share with you our helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator