Fast tracked to Gynaecology, seeing a consultant next week. Has this happened to anyone else?

Hi… I’m 51 and post menopausal, had a TV scan yesterday afternoon as part of a general health check organised by my Gp due to generally feeling rubbish! 
The radiographer didn’t say much but within an hour of leaving my Gp had rang me to say I was being fast tracked to gynae as my endo lining is 7mm and I have a left ovarian cyst (I’ve been through this 2 years ago but can’t recall getting my results so quick?! Then this morning the gynaecology dept have rang for me to see the consultant next Wednesday… I mean… it’s great that I’m being seen so quick but I’m also thinking all kinds of scenarios in my head. No PMB which I did have 2 years ago but my histology was clear following hysteroscopy.

Can anyone relate to this? Any info much appreciated x

  • Hi Ivycottage62, 

    I can imagine this is a bit of a frightening time for you after being fast tracked to see a specialist in gynaecology - this is not something you were expecting but it's good as you said that things are moving so fast and that you will be seen next Wednesday. It's normal to be imagining all kind of scenarios in your head but try not to draw any conclusions from the fact that you are being seen so quickly - it doesn't mean anything really other that they are being efficient and are taking things seriously. This means that hopefully you will have a diagnosis soon and bear in mind that there are many conditions that can flag a thickened endometrial lining and an ovarian cyst other than cancer. Hopefully this will turn out to be nothing too concerning but it's good that they are being so thorough.  While you are waiting, try if you can to resist the urge to look things up on Google as this will only make you feel more anxious without giving you any reliable answers. We have these helpful tips on our website to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I am sure there will be other members of our community who will be able to relate to what you've been through recently and I will now let them come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that you get some clarity on all this soon and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much Lucie and I will definitely take a look at the link you’ve mentioned x