Trying to contain my fear.

Hello I was diagnosed Aug 23 with stage 1 IDC BC with a grade 3 tumour which was HER2+ and ER+. I was due 16 sessions of chemotherapy which I had to stop after 8 as I developed grade 3 Peripheral Neuropathy. I am also having Herceptin which finishes March 25 and Bisphosphonate for another 2 years . I had radiotherapy a few weeks ago and started on Examestane for 10 years around the same time. I had a CT scan to check my spine as I had some pain. That has indicated cancerous changes in my lumbar spine and I am awaiting a bone scan for more information. The pain in the spine is worse and I have pain in my forearm now. I am trying to focus on the here and now and not leap ahead. I have coped really well mentally and emotionally throughout the last year but I have to say I am very fearful for my future. 

  • Hi TopCatGranny1950, 

    What a stressful time it must be for you as you are waiting a bone scan to find out more about these cancerous changes in your lumbar spine that were flagged in your CT scan. It must be hard not to worry when you are experiencing this increasing pain in your spine as well as the pain in your forearm. You are doing the right thing though in trying to focus on the here and now. Try if you can not to anticipate what it might be until you get all your results. 

    You are not alone though and so many members of our community have been in a similar place before having to wait for important results and I hope that they will be along shortly with some helpful tips to help you cope during this anxious time. It's hard not to be anxious in a situation like this and I thought I would share with you these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    We're thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that you find out more soon and that it all turns out to be ok. Do keep us updated if you don't mind and if you find a moment.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator