Dad with bile duct cancer but super fit being offered radiotherapy

Hi my dad is 89 but been an athlete all his life. He was diagnosed with  bile duct cancer in November 23 due to jaundice but hasn't spread since then (now August). Stage 1b I think.
I'm not sure why he was offered radiotherapy rather than chemo and immunotherapy seemed to be out of the question. An operation was ruled out too.
Was this just age related? He is physically like someone much younger. 

thanks all 

  • My uncle had NETs in his pancreas, so the issue was in a slightly different location. Bile duct surgery is a massive operation. It's one of the biggies as far as ops go. It usually (maybe always, but not 100% on that one) involves the removal of some of the liver, and damage to other organs is also a large risk. My uncle was fit, but he was still deemed very high risk for a Whipple procedure (the removal of some or all of the pancreas). There are also a lot of major blood vessels in that area. It's usually one of the main reasons why cancers like your father's and pancratic cancers tend to be deemed inoperable because the tumour is in very close proximity to major blood vessels

    As far as the chemo goes, i have no idea about that at all. It's maybe a question you can ask the treating doctors. You, or more to the point, your dad, is entitled to a second opinion. Always seek a second opinion if you have doubts. Not saying it will change anything, but it removes a lot of the uncertainty so you won't be beating yourself up for the rest of your life over the should'ves, could'ves and ifs.

  •   thanks for your reply.  I think we understand about the op as it's quite common it seems even for younger patients to not be offered that.  
    However my  partners dad also has cancer and was offered chemo straight away. He has Parkinson's and is a lot less fit but 8years younger.  It may be a life expectancy/ quality of life issue I suppose. Anyway they have caught it surprisingly early it seems so hopefully we have some quality time left. 

  • Thanks also for the great advice. I know what you mean avoid any regrets etc. All the best