hoarse voice box

In June i started to develop this funny voice, hoarse voice, with mucus  . Im been given drugs to fix the problem. Plus I went to the Hospital where i had my nasoscope,no sign of cancer. At the moment,some times this funny voice comeback on and off. I noticed it happen more frequent when i go to the swimming pool. Should i go back to my Gp. 

  • Hello Silvio

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some health concerns recently. it's good to hear that the tests you've had so far haven't given the doctors any immediate cause for concern. 

    As this is a problem that you are still feeling anxious about it's worth making another appointment with your GP who will hopefully be able to offer you some further advice and reassurance. 

    I hope things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator