Therapeutic Mammoplasty

Hey, just found out I will need this on right breast plus lymph nodes removing. Interested on others experiences. I am a C cup and want to know if you have been offered a bilateral mammoplasty…..

  • I had a mammoplasty on the right side but wasn't offered anything for the left side. I'm a G cup, and I feel like the difference is super noticeable, but my husband doesn't agree. I've always had hang ups about my bust so suspect I am super critical, but to me they look really lopsided. At the moment I'm just relieved the lump has gone, but I suspect one day I am going to want something done to level them out. 

  • Hi Karlywarlyspider,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    It is unusual to be offered a double mastectomy, unless there is something amiss with both breasts. This is because research shows that it doesn't increase our prospects any and most surgeons are unwilling to remove a healthy breast, just for appearances.

    I did have a double mastectomy 14 years ago. This was for 3 reasons - firstly, I had lost my mum to secondary breast cancer. I also found a lump in my other breast 6 months after my lumpectomy and lymph node removal. This was pre-cancerous. When I found a third lump, a year after my first surgery, my surgeon decided that it would be a good idea to remove both breasts.

    I was a C cup too. Unfortunately, I couldn't have reconstruction, due to previous non-cancer related surgery, but I manage fairly well with an assortment of prostheses for different occasions and activities.

    Have you got a date for your surgery yet? Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks SharLou, can I ask what size bra you had to get - was it your usual size for the non operated side and do you use a prosthetic in the other cup? xx

  • I still use my normal size bra, although I'm still using non-wired sports-type bras at the moment. I haven't bothered with a prosthetic as you can't tell too much once I have my bra and clothes on, although I'm avoiding tops that are too fitted. If there's further shrinkage after radiotherapy I may be more inclined to use something or ask about surgery to the other side to even things out - not sure if that would be an option though! Xx