Thyroid cancer

So I’ve had a thyroid nodule since I was pregnant with my 6 year old. They were never too concerned based on the scans but decided two years ago that I should be referred to the surgeons due to the size of the nodule. Having my second daughter last year delayed things but my gp decided to chase it up after my 6 week postpartum check up and every thing moved quickly after that. Finally met the surgeons and had a needle biopsy in the November last year just to be sure there was no cancerous signs but it came back as none. Had my partial thyroidectomy a couple of months ago, today I reluctantly went to my post operation appointment an hour away thinking it was just to discharge me only to be told anything above 4 and they suspect cancer and mine was 5 and there was sign of cancer in the thyroid they removed. They had two different pathologists look at it to confirm which kinda makes me think it can’t have been that obvious then. I was very calm in the appointment because the consultant said but it’s been removed so I don’t have cancer now. I think I must of repeated my self several times “but I don’t have the cancer now“ and  he confirmed it was taken out but they will be having a meeting on Tuesday to discuss and the probable outcome will be remove the other half and possibly radioactive iodine as a preventative. I have been so calm, I didn’t know why they were concerned about me driving the hours drive after that appointment because it was gone, this was just preventive. Well now that my kids have gone to bed I’ve been sat here an anxious mess and I keep saying to my partner I don’t know why im suddenly a anxious mess because they have taken it out. Obviously had a delayed reaction to the news. Further treatment being preventable or not hearing the big c word is still terrifying. 
I’m sure when I wake up tomorrow when I’m busy with my one year old and go back to the train of thought of well this is just preventive, the needle biopsy missed this so I’m telling myself it was small cancerous cells I’ll be ok but  for now I’m a anxious mess. 
Has anyone ever had thyroid cancer and only had a partial thyroidectomy? The consultant today said he thinks after the meeting on Tuesday I’ll be put on the waiting list to remove the other half but I’m wondering how likely it will be that they may choose to just monitor me as the remaining thyroid looks ok at the moment. 

  • Hi kaylzj,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can understand your mixed emotions about this - it's a lot to take in, so it's not surprising that you are feeling anxious as well as at other times feeling more calm.

    It sounds like you don't have much longer to wait to hear more, and hopefully you'll hear back soon after the meeting this week. When you do, be sure to ask any questions you have and talk through any concerns so you can understand next steps as well as possible.

    In the meantime, hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here, particularly if others with similar experience see it. You can also browse or search the forum for other relevant discussions if you would like to.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator