Anal cancer diagnosis

I am having a biopsy under general anaesthetic soon for suspected anal cancer. Has anyone out there experienced this? How long did you take to heal, I’m expecting it to be painful. This is my first experience with cancer and I’m very anxious.

  • Hi I was diagnosed with anal cancer last month waiting for treatment at the moment. I had a biopsy but mine was done under local I'm still healing from it I would say I've been uncomfortable majority of the time and sitting for to long has sometimes been painful but bearable.

  • Hi I'm 2 years post anal cancer treatment I am cancer free my. Biopsy was done under general anastetic,I was a little uncomfortable for about a week but nothing I couldn't cope with.Try not to worry you will be fine, stay with a positive mind set you will i hope have a good team of professional staff that will support and reassure you all the way through your journey.sending you lots of  positive support.

  • So happy you are now cancer free. If you are happy to share what treatments you had and side effects 

  • I had five and half weeks of chemoradiation treatment so daily radiotherapy and chemo tablets twice a day for same five half first dose of chemo was mitomycinn via cannular the rest was tablets capecitabine.

  • Thank you, that sounds like what they are going to do for me. Just feel so scared about side effects 

  • I no it's difficult but everyone deals with side effects as they come a long,I no I did my treatment had to be stopped for 7days due to my blood test showing certain things a gone to low to continue,all was sorted with the brilliant medical staff that looked after me.As you will have, just try not to think to far a head I took every day a step closer to ringing the end of treatment bell.i feel it got me through to the end of my treatment.keep focused just on the day a head.One thing i did find helped was relaxation music and writing a daily journal on my thoughts and feelings of the cancer journey.stay focused on the positive out come.keep talking keep asking the medical team they give very strong support and can give treatment for any side effects you may experience but you must tell them.Good luck I'm sure you will deal with it once you start your treatment.