Breast cancer second time

This is my second cancer in a different breast. 

the first time I was so panicked I thought I was going to die. That was in 2006. It’s now 2024  I had surgery, chemotherapy, herceptin, radiotherapy  I was pretty ill with a chest infection but made it through. After two years of treatment I went back to work and life  

The second time (March 2024)  I just think “oh have I got to go through all that palaver again?”  

I feel very confident in my healthcare team but would say to you keep a diary and write down everything. Every appointment etc. Ask questions and above all remember people do survive. I intend to. 

just wanted to reassure some of you that the treatment is worth it. Don’t question it. Just do it. Xx

  • Hello debthereb

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time. I wanted to reply to thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you have a positive approach to this news and I know many of the community members will agree that having that mindset really can help whilst going through treatment. 

    It's good to hear you feel confident in your healthcare team. And you've shared some good advice about writing things down. I know that it really can help to have those notes when you can't quite remember what it was you wanted to ask or what you were told by a specialist. 

    Hopefully, your story will offer some support to others who also find themselves going through treatment. 

    Please keep in touch Deb and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you Jenn. That means a lot. 

  • HI Debthereb,

    I am so sorry that you've been hit by this for a second time. Is this the same stage and type of breast cancer as your original one? The advice you give to write things down, is spot on. I admire your positivity and cannot stress enough, the benefit of this to your recovery. I had a second cancer in my original breast, a year after I had my first diagnosis. I also found a pre-cancerous lump in my other breast 6 months after surgery. I had a double mastectomy for my second bout and still live a busy and fulfilling life. All of that happened 14 years ago

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply Jolamine. It’s very kind. My first cancer was a higher grade and HER 2 positive. So I had chemotherapy and herceptin that time. That was a trial but worth it as it gave me so much more life. This time it was smaller and a lower grade so I count myself lucky. Thank goodness for screening because I had no idea the second time despite being vigilant.  

    I'm a bit worried about having radiotherapy as I had a bad lung reaction back in 2006 but I am assured things have progressed since then. 

    I am very positive, some would say belligerent. Ha ha. I can close to needing a double mastectomy like you. They kept finding precancerous cells in the margins. But the third operation cleared the margins. 

    Once again thank you for your support and best wishes to you for good health xx

  • Hi there I too have had breast cancer for the second time. 5 years ago right breast DCIS and had lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Thought that was it but just before the 5 years was up discovered a large lump in the left breast. This time ductal carcinoma and had mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Did feel “why me again” at first but had a great team who looked after me very well. 9 weeks down the line feeling okay, no chemo needed but taking exemestane which is giving some nasty side effects ️  

    Good luck in your journey and yes the treatment is worth it.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you Mary. I’m sorry you have also had it twice in different breasts  it’s shocking isn’t it  

    I keep thinking what did I do wrong?  Diet? Alcohol? Contraceptive pill? I did smoke when I was a teenager. I got a genetic test and that came back clear  was it exposure to a chemical? My stressful job?

    I am taking the same type of drug as you to lower oestrogen and I read the effectiveness is amazing but I am not looking forward to the side effects. 

    I am assuming hot flushes etc but I don’t want to feel even older and more achy than I do already. On the other hand I do want to live as long as I can.  So I will keep taking it.I only  started the drug yesterday. 

    Once again thank you for your reply. I hope you have a very successful outcome from the drug and stay healthy. 

    best wishes, Debbie