75 year old dog lover recently diagnosed with lung cancer

Hello  I am 75 ,male. Married and have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, at the moment the family is shell shocked. I have just received a letter saying I will be getting radiotherapy 

  • A very warm welcome to the Cancer chat community Paddy-f although I'm sorry to hear you've recently been diagnosed with lung cancer.

    You and your family must be contending with a lot of emotions right now but you are not alone as we have many members who have been on this journey and hopefully some of them will stop by soon to share their experiences and advice.

    You can find out more about lung cancer and the radiotherapy you're due to have on our website, but if you or anyone else in your family would like to talk things through with someone then do give our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. Their helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to put your mind at ease and answer any other questions you may have about what's to come.

    Keep posting if you find it helps Paddy-f and remember that we will always be here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator