Colonoscopy Fear

I am 52 and I've to go for a colonoscopy this week after an abnormal bowel screening. Absolutely terrified as I've lost 2 friends in 2 years to bowel cancer (one was only 46).

The past few days I've been passing black poo. Never had anything like this before and of course I stupidly Googled it. Recently started Atorvastatin (10mg) and was wondering if this could be the cause.

I know I have to go through with the colonoscopy even more now due to change in my bowel movements. Just thinking worse case scenarios

  • Atorvastatin can cause black tarry stools so that's a possibility. I've had a colonoscopy, although not pleasant it's a good way to see what's going on and put your mind at rest. I wasn't offered pain relief or sedation so maybe ask if this is available as it can be a little uncomfortable (but doable). Good luck and take care and I wish you well x

  • I am having sedation or I won't go through with it. Just don't want to remember the procedure.

  • Side effects for Atorvastatin only say constipation online. Nothing about dark stools. 

  • " Some other adverse reactions to note but which do not have a defined frequency (‘incidence unknown’) include:Increased thirstBlack / tarry stoolCloudy or bloody urineDifficulties with night vision (seeing at night)" More of adverse effects rather than side effects. I'm trying my best to reduce your worrying, once you've had the colonoscopy it'll give you a better insight. Hopefully all is well. And if not, treatment is so much more advanced now. Everyone's journey is individual to them. Good luck !

  • Hi There,

    the first scope is always a little concerning, ask for the sedation if you have not all ready done so. I’ll be honest with you make sure you take the laxative they ask you to take, drink more water than your normal  amount, to make the laxative taste a little better, flavour it with lemon or orange barley water. Try and relax as much as possible, the guys carrying out the procedure, they are very good at what they do. Ask as many questions as you can think of, it will take your mind off things believe it or not. They can be uncomfortable, if they put air in, they use it to expand the bowel a little, it will take a while to either pass out your rear end or get absorbed, this can be a little bit uncomfortable. If you have not already got the pack from the Hospital they usually contain a double dose of laxative. Moviprep is the easiest one i have  found that works for me. Stay close to a toilet, if you feel the need to use a loo,.. try to get there asap, try not to hold on to it.last one i took, the need to use a loo happened during thegap between the first and second dose, everybody is different though. Drinking additional amounts of water helps alot,.. i found having a large tumbler or pint glass full ready to wash the moviprep down helps a lot. Hopefully all goes well, if your able to, look at the display, i found it interesting, some do some don’t. Again ask questions if you feel you need to. 

    Kindest Regards

    my last one was maybe my 20th could have been more, stopped counting a while back, i have Crohn’s get scoped pretty frequently

  • I had my colonoscopy a few days ago and I've been diagnosed with diverticulosis. Thankfully it wasn't something more serious 

  • My Sister has that, i have Crohn’s,.. try and cut down on your fibre intake a little, if your having a rough time, ask your gp about “ Ensure Milkshake” they are available via a nhs Dietician and/or Your Gp, another option to those is a meal replacement drink called ‘Yfood’, they both help me along yfood can be purchased at most supermarkets. If your gut is not able to handle the dairy, get a very low fibre diet from the nhs dieticians. Hope you get along with your new diagnose’s it can be an adjustment to your normal life, but is manageable.

    Good Luck kindest Regards

  • I'm actually supposed to take a high fibre diet as I'm on statins for high cholesterol so diverticulosis contradicts that then . I don't drink milk but do eat yogurts and seem to be fine. Ideally need to get some weight off too but finding it difficult with my job (I'm a carer).

  • I am glad to hear you don't have cancer

    I have had a a few colonoscopy's, I prefer to be awake, and overdose on the air gas... Laughing during the procedure is not advised though, tried that, ouch... They should ask you if you want anything to calm you down, if so take it, it helps the anxiety. I prefer being awake and aware, I can get the procedure done and escape from the hospital ASAP. (severe white coat syndrome). I have a resigned viewpoint to the endoscopy having had the business end, inserted in every orifice they can find on my battered body...