Esophageal cancer

Hello Everyone, my brother 69, has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which is inoperable & has spread to his lymph nodes.

He has had one round of chemo, and has started on a second stronger round as he is struggles to keep liquids & food down, complicated by being a diabetic.  He has the option of having a stent fitted, but he is reluctant & has read about complications such as the tumour embedding into the stent.

Does anyone have any positive stories of a stent helping?


  • Hi PCH 

    Im glad you reached out to help your brother. My partner is 62 and has the same oesophageal cancer. 

    He had a stent put in three months ago. Is swallow deteriorated to the point he could not get anything down past the tumour. Ie bringing everything up and lost loads of wait

     The stent has been a life line he can now drink and eat soft diet and has stopped loosing weight. I wish they had put it in sooner.

     He started chemo ten weeks  ago which has stopped the cancer growing. 

    I hope this helps a little. 

  • Thank you very much for replying, and sharing I appreciate it.  All the very best to you and your partner xx

  • Hi you are welcome I forgot to say most importantly the stent has allowed him to eat and drink ....liquids are same as before 

    Soft diet mince fish and  yogurts ice cream rice lots of gravy and or sauce mash potatoes all go down and coffee his favourite 

    Soup also crisps like frazzles that melt easily 

    He is diabetic understand that worry

      his weight has stabilised  and he is still here 

    Best to your brother