I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2002

HI first had stage 3 breast-cancer 2002, left breast 1 had Lumpectomy 6 months radio-therpy

  • Hi pricilla, sorry to hear you had stage 3 breast cancer in 2002. How are you doing now?

    I am currently battling stage 3 breast cancer. I have completed chem and now waiting for a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. 

    Always here if you want to chat. Xx

  • HI pippin24 thankyou.1 have unfortunatley the breast cancer recurred in my left breast april this year,1ve had to have a left Mastectomy 3 weeks ago.1 have to go back to clinic on 28 August to see what results of sentinel-nodes are they took five out.And what next steps for further treatment.

  • Hi pricilla, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a recurrence of breast cancer. Having to go the treatment a second time must be awful. I'm sure that most if us who've had breast cancer, have that fear of it coming back. I did ask if it was possible to have a double mastectomy, but they said they can't remove a healthy breast, unless for genetic reasons. It's a shame as I'll be having a reduction on other breast anyway, so they match. Hope all goes well on the 28th and hopefully you won't need too much further treatment. Xx