Newbie, lumpectomy pending


i am due to have my lumpectomy on Tuesday with sentimental node surgery. Up til now it’s felt like it’s happening to someone else but is now feeling real and quite scary even though my family have been great.  Just feel the need to hear from people going through the same thing who can identify with how I feel!

  • Hi and I totally understand how you feel.  I had my lumpectomy on 5th August, was scared and apprehensive, but the staff were superb and very reassuring.  I felt so much calmer once the operation was over, felt like something positive had taken place as part of the treatment.  The time between diagnosis and lumpectomy is very tricky, and I was in a dark place for that period, lots of tears but I feel I have turned a corner now the operation is behind me.  Still need confirmation of whether there are clear margins and will find out next week.  I hope you will be in a better place once you have had the .operation and I wish you well.  All the best Sue

  • Thank you so much for replying Sue.  It is the fear of the unknown and people not in this situation either make light of it to the point of being flippant or come across as doom mungers.  

    Great to hear that you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I wish you all the best

    I’m Taking one step at a time and I know Ill cope with things as they happen with the fab  support I have but it is still scary and I needed to hear from someone in the same position 

    take care and all the best - your reply has meant a lot too me 

  • Thanks for your support it means a lot and hopefully I’ll feel the same next week.
    How’s the recovery going 

    take care

  • The recovery is going well.  Make sure you do the exercises and rest.  I am back to yoga and Pilates albeit very gently.  Very important to keep up your normal routine so long as you feel able.  Not looking forward to the chemotherapy or radiotherapy but all part of the treatment and have to go with it.  That probably won’t happen for another 6/7 weeks.  I will be thinking of you next Tuesday so please update when you feel able.  Sue

  • Hi. Lumpectomy done and one lymph node removed. More sore than painful now due to tightness especially under my arm but hopefully exercises will help.  Won’t be seeing consultant till 11th so trying to take it easy till then but I’m not one to sit still so finding it hard.  At least i still have two boobs even if one is wonky!!

    hope your recovery is still going well Do you know when you’re starting any more treatment yet?  Good luck with it all 

  • Hello and so good to hear that all went well.  Yes a wonky boob goes with the territory!  The exercises definitely help together with lots of walking.  Like you, I cannot sit in a heap and need to be out and about.  My results came back; lymph node clear but clear margin not enough so further surgery required after chemotherapy.  My nipple will be pointing to my armpit!  My boob did swell and almost twice the size of the other one but that has now gone.  It is lumpy as is the under arm area but apparently that should reduce.

    I have chased oncology and hope to discuss treatment plan next week but waiting for phone call to confirm.  

    Please provide updates as it is very reassuring to hear from someone at the same stage as me.  All the best Sue

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear that you need further surgery.  I heard today that my lymph nodes and margins are clear 

    I now need to wait for oncotype test result to confirm if it’s just radiotherapy to follow or chemotherapy which was a curve ball as I was assuming it would be radiotherapy only

    looks like we’re both still playing the waiting game but I can’t fault the Breast care Team I've had.

    Stay positive and please stay in touch


  • Oh well done Ruth that all is clear! Very pleased for you.  Heard today appointment for next Wednesday with oncology team to discuss treatment plan.  Will let you know the outcome.  Fingers crossed for your treatment plan.

    Do you mind me asking how you discovered your breast cancer?  Don’t tell me if you would rather not.  Mine was through weight loss and I felt a mass.  Told initially it was benign but the biopsy said otherwise.  A horrible shock and tricky to come to terms with but somehow you just do! Will be back in touch when I know more.  Sue

  • Hi

    Mine was found via mammogram but there was nothing visible or that I felt

    I was initially told it was 1.5cm but today told it was stage 2, 2cm.

    Must have been awful to be mis diagnosed initially and well done you for coping with this all. It’s been really helpful talking to you especially as you have been at a similar time scale.  Hope your treatment goes well


  • Hi Sue and Ruth,

    I'm glad to hear that you have both had your surgery and are now moving forward from there.

    I thought that it might be helpful for you both to hear from someone, who is further along the line. I had a lumpectomy 14 years ago, but found another lump in the same breast, less than a year later. This time I had a double mastectomy. After the first bout, I took Tamoxifen for a year, but after that, I changed to Letrozole, which I took for 6½ years. My scarring was puckered and red to start with. I had some myofascial release from a nurse at a Maggie's centre and this improved the puckering. It now looks so much better and the scarring has paled down considerably.

    I still lead a busy and fulfilling life and, I'm sure that you will both do so too, once you get your treatment out of the way. I hope that this goes well for both of you.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kins regards,

    Jolamine xx